Kathleen Milestones
Kathleen's Wedding Team dominates the list below.

What could be more important
than getting married?


The very first member of her family to go to college.
It was a wonderful,brave decision. I am proud of her.

Kathleen was in the
next to the last mid-year class.

This award was issued when she retired.

Children's Concert Society of Akron Ohio
introduces thousands of Akron's school children to all forms of classical music
and has performing contests at every grade level
Both students and faculty learn from and enjoy these programs.
Kathleen served one term as President.

Knowledge gained here was valuable
to the Children's Concert Society


HSGraduation Day

Kathleen gave a presentation at the
West Akron Kiwanis. Hope to get a readable award picture soon.

The following letter clearly shows how valuable the Superintendent of Schools felt Kathleen was.

Kathleen volunteered many hours during her stay in Trappe,
Including Trappe Community Day, Open Space and many others.
She and Mayor Connie worked well together

I knew Kathleen for about 53 years before she told me that
she was going to join the Selective Service Board. I never would have guessed that!!
Her variety of interests was wonderful.
