A selection of pictures from the 1940s

Major World Events.
WWII, for the USA, started and ended.
The Atomic Age entered the world
Richard spent part of five summers on
the Iowa Neal and Isabel Sink Farm
Kathleen and Richard met in Psycology Class at Buchtel High School.

Click on a picture to enlarge it.

A most informal picture C.E. McDowell

Why is this picture here?
I talk about it in STORIES
An Iowa Farm Boy
 East Akron Nash neary ready to open
Father is approaching his dream
to be a new car dealer.
A $ store now occupies this space.

Four of the Nitz Children/
Albert - Kathleen - Donna - Elizabeth
Taken in 1944, I met Kathleen 4 years later
at Buchtel H S, Akron, OH
I have seen this picture many times
each time I say to myself
"How can you not know the occasion".
After all I am with the whole Nitz family.
Four of the Nitz Children
Albert - Kathleen - Donna - Elizabeth
Taken in 1944, I met Kathleen 4 years later
at Buchtel H S, Akron, OH


Summer Time, on the Iowa Sink Farm
Richard (was I really that young),
Isabel Hastings Sink
and Neal Sink.
I think this was a local picnic day.
Nellie Baubour McDowell
Bess Barbour Murchison
Bill and Jennie?
Virgil, Paul and Kathleen

An unknown group. Kathleen Nitz is the only one we know for sure.
Kathleen and most all
of her family in 1940
Good to see them together.
Hello to Donna Carol
As of July 2019 she is the only
surviver of the six Nitz children.

<<<<<< I spent K-9 in Cleveland area schools, all but one
year in East Cleveland.  I went to Rosell, Rosedale, Mayfair,
Chambers, Caledonia and yes W.H. Kirk Jr High. for  grades 8 and 9.
We moved to Akron and went to  J. R. Buchtel H. S.,
maybe just so I would meet Kathleen Nitz in my senior year.,
I was very fortunate going to excellent schools throughout.
That includes OSU and UofA. These schools are not responsible
for any careless writing and grammar errors. Strange as it might seem, years later I worked under the son of a different W.H. Kirk.
Isabel Hasting Sink
Not sure who the two men are,
partly because not sure this
is a 1940 decade picture.

<<<<<< Kathleen as a young Girl Scout. I do not know how long she was one. Also this picture could be a 1930 decade picture, but what is one or two years?!